mindful eating

Are you interested in creating a healthier relationship with eating and nourishment?

Are you interested in steps towards transforming your relationship with food, body image and self-esteem?

Mindful Eating is a mindfulness-based intervention to support compassion inspired eating and mindful self care. You will be introduced to mindfulness based practices, self compassion exercises and cognitive behavioural techniques to find comfort in your body and pleasure nourishing yourself. These new practices will be readily available to assist you in your own self care in times of stress.

Bringing awareness to the direct experience of eating allows you to observe your relationship to thoughts, feelings and body sensations associated with food preparation and eating. As you learn to take care of yourself and support your own journey these new found skills will assist you in slowing down and savoring food that nourishes you.

Facilitator: Dr. Tuz Gooderham

Schedule to be announced…

Due to Covid-19, programs will be hosted on a secure telemedicine site.

To book this program and apply payment, please copy the following link to your web browser and follow the on-line instructions:  https://bookeo.com/womenmd

Referrals are required for all programs from a doctor or nurse practitioner.