THE Foundations: Cognitive behavioural Therapy (cbT) and MINDFULNESS

4 week program

What we think and how we behave affects how we feel. We can influence feelings of anxiety and other painful states by changing how we think and act. We develop patterns of thoughts, feelings and behavior which become habits.

These psychological habits may be keeping you in cycles of anxiety and depression.

Facilitator: Dr. Tuz Gooderham

2024 Schedule: Wednesday Nov 20th - Dec 11th 4:00PM - 5:30PM

2025 Schedule: Tuesday Jan 7th - Jan 28th 4:00PM - 5:30PM

Thursday April 17th - May 8th 4:00PM - 5:30PM

Cognitive behavioural Therapy (cbT)

FULL PROGRAM: 6 week program

2025 Schedule: Thursday Feb 6th - March 13th 4:00PM - 5:30PM

Due to Covid-19, programs will be hosted on a secure telemedicine site.

To book this Program and apply payment, please copy the following link to your web browser and follow the on-line instructions:

Referrals are required for all programs from a doctor or nurse practitioner.