Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy
(MBCT: Modified Program)
This program is designed to help learn how to manage states of anxiety and depression along with general stress and feelings of overwhelm.
MBCT has been proven effective for depression, as well as for anxiety and a wide range of other mental health states. Research has shown MBCT can decrease the risk of future clinical depression in people who have recurrent depression.
MBCT focuses on teaching mindfulness-based practices to help become aware of the core processes (thoughts, emotions and body sensations) that we experience in states related to anxiety and depression.
Schedule to be announced…
Due to Covid-19, programs will be hosted on a secure telemedicine site.
To book this program and apply payment, please copy the following link to your web browser and follow the on-line instructions: https://bookeo.com/womenmd
Referrals are required for all programs from a doctor or nurse practitioner.