womenMD and Dr. Gooderham's Office update:
We are open for telephone and telemedicine appointments at this time.
Stay tuned for updates to when our doors open for regularly scheduled appointments.
We are excited to welcome you back! Our office has been working hard to emerge from this crisis even more confident in our ability to provide safe, compassionate care in this Covid-19 time.
You will see many changes, as we have new ways of scheduling your appointments and the preparation required for office visits.
We understand changes can be overwhelming; especially given we are experiencing these changes throughout all aspects of our lives. With this in mind, please see below for a list of enhanced precautions and protocols, we have taken to protect you.
Let’s face this situation with knowledge, collaboration and a positive spirit!
1. Our clinic has removed magazines and items that can harbor or transfer germs of any kind.
2. New personal protection equipment like visors, gowns and masks for our team to provide barriers against the smallest of germs.
3. Required hand washing and hand sanitizing before all appointments by our team.
4. Disinfection procedures between all appointments for patient safety.
5. Clinic disinfection procedures for equipment, office fixtures like computers, keyboards, telephones, chairs, doorknobs and buttons that may be touched unconsciously.
6. Masks are to be worn by ALL patients upon entering the office.
7. Mandatory safe distancing in the entire clinic by staff and patients.
8. Appointment procedures to guide you directly to treatment rooms to eliminate contacting surfaces.
We welcome any questions you might have and look forward to seeing you all once again!
Warmest regards,
COVID-19 Information
Thank you for your inquiry regarding symptoms of possible coronavirus. Please see the information below regarding how to be assessed, and what to expect over the coming days. We sincerely hope you are feeling better soon. If you have further questions please book a follow up telephone or virtual visit by speaking directly with our front desk staff at 250-940-6010 or check our website for information at For further information on coronavirus can be found at (link to BCCDC). This site has the most up to date information and is considered the “source of truth” for coronavirus related information.
What are the symptoms?
The symptoms of Coronavirus (COVID-19) are similar to other respiratory illnesses, including the flu and common cold. They include cough, sneezing, fever, sore throat and difficulty breathing.
What should I do if I have symptoms of fever, cough or shortness of breath?
At the moment in Victoria BC, if you have symptoms of fever, cough or shortness of breath AND you have travelled outside BC in the last 2 weeks OR if you have been in contact with someone who has been diagnosed with coronavirus (COVID-19) we are recommending that you self-isolate at home while you await further testing.
If this applies you, and if you are unwell, please call 250-940-6010 to set up a telephone or video visit with your physician. We will be able to guide you through how to take care of yourself how to arrange testing for coronavirus (COVID-19) and what to do if your symptoms get worse. Click to see information regarding how to self-isolate at home.
Schedule a telephone or virtual visit.
We thank you for your co-operation in this, as we are being extremely cautious as we work to avoid any spread of viruses within our office.
What is the treatment for coronavirus (COVID-19)?
Like all viral illnesses, the main treatment for coronavirus is:
For fever and pain control: Taking acetaminophen 500 mg every 4-6 hours can help.
For cough symptoms: Taking cough medication, lozenges and warm drinks such as tea with lemon or other remedies that have helped you previously can help with cough. Remember to drink lots of fluids (water, tea, Gatorade etc) to stay well hydrated as your body is recovering from your viral illness.
There are no medicines or other treatments to “cure” viral illnesses. Your body has to fight off the viral illness with your own immune system. Should your symptoms worsen and you are having increasing difficulty breathing while at rest or are concerned about your health you should present to the Emergency Room for assessment as you may require further help with your breathing as your body fights off the virus. You can also contact us again for further health advice.
How do I protect myself and my family?
Follow the same advice that we recommend for the cold and flu season; wash your hands often with soap and water, cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, avoid others who are unwell, and stay home when you are sick. The most important thing you can do to prevent coronavirus and other illnesses is to wash your hands regularly and avoid touching your face. Cover your mouth when you cough or better yet cough into your sleeve so that you’re not exposing other people to your illness. If you are sick yourself, stay away from others, particularly large groups of people.
Patients who do not have a primary care physician can call 8-1-1, for nursing assessment.
During COVID-19 we are offering Telemedicine appointments for our patients.
Dr. V. A. Gooderham